Common Conditions We Treat
Back Pain
Back pain is one of the main reasons that people visit a chiropractor. At some point in their lives, 8 out of 10 people are affected by it. Lower back pain can be caused by a number of different conditions such as: strained muscles, sprained ligaments, ruptured discs, inflamed joints, sports injuries, accidents, and much more. Temporary solutions, such as heating pads and over-the-counter drugs, will not treat the cause of back pain.
Common Symptoms:
The information provided does not necessarily take your individual health situation into account. A Barczyk team member, during your initial assessment, will be able to work with you to determine the treatment plan and techniques that best suits your individual patient needs.
Bulging / Herniated Disc
Bulging disc occurs when a portion of the disc protrudes out of place. Disc herniation occurs when the soft center protrudes through tough outer layer of disc. The result of the bulge can cause a pinched nerve which will lead to pain, numbness, or weakness in the back, arm, or leg. Because the pain or numbness may not occur in the area where you are injured, it is important to visit a chiropractor if you are experiencing these symptoms.
Common Symptoms:
The information provided does not necessarily take your individual health situation into account. A Barczyk team member, during your initial assessment, will be able to work with you to determine the treatment plan and techniques that best suits your individual patient needs.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpel tunnel is caused by pressure on the median nerve which is located in the wrist.
Common Symptoms:
The information provided does not necessarily take your individual health situation into account. A Barczyk team member, during your initial assessment, will be able to work with you to determine the treatment plan and techniques that best suits your individual patient needs.
Very often, head pain regardless of where on the head the pain is located involves nerves that have their origin in the upper cervical spine(neck). Chiropractic treatment of the cervical spine can alleviate migraines, headaches caused by muscle tension caused by stress, and injuries to the neck.
Symptoms of Headaches:
The information provided does not necessarily take your individual health situation into account. A Barczyk team member, during your initial assessment, will be able to work with you to determine the treatment plan and techniques that best suits your individual patient needs.
Hip/Leg Pain
Sometimes hip pain can be a problem from the hip itself or can be referred from the spine. Lumbar Spine conditions can cause radiating pain throughout leg, feet, and toes.
Common Symptoms of Hip Pain:
The information provided does not necessarily take your individual health situation into account. A Barczyk team member, during your initial assessment, will be able to work with you to determine the treatment plan and techniques that best suits your individual patient needs.
Motor Vehicle Injury
The impact of a motor vehicle collision on the body can be catastrophic. These injuries can cause long-term pain to your body if not treated correctly, even if there are no visible signs of injury. While severe injuries can keep you bed ridden, mild injuries can often cause more trouble than expected. It is important to seek immediate treatment if you are injured in a motor vehicle collision to prevent any further damage from occurring.
Common Motor Vehicle Injuries:
The information provided does not necessarily take your individual health situation into account. A Barczyk team member, during your initial assessment, will be able to work with you to determine the treatment plan and techniques that best suits your individual patient needs.
Neck Pain
Neck pain is one of the main reasons for people to visit a chiropractor. The pain can be a dull ache or sharp shooting pain and it can be located in the shoulders, head, and face as well as the neck. The cause of neck pain will vary by person but the most common are automobile accidents, contact sports, and poor posture. You can prevent some discomfort by ensuring you have an ergonomic work space and by performing neck stretches as advised by a chiropractor.
Common Symptoms:
The information provided does not necessarily take your individual health situation into account. A Barczyk team member, during your initial assessment, will be able to work with you to determine the treatment plan and techniques that best suits your individual patient needs.
The sciatica nerve runs from the lower back, through the pelvis and down your legs. Pain is usually caused when pressure is being applied to the nerve. This can be caused by a number of issues including misalignment of the spine, hips, or herniated disc.
Common Symptoms:
The information provided does not necessarily take your individual health situation into account. A Barczyk team member, during your initial assessment, will be able to work with you to determine the treatment plan and techniques that best suits your individual patient needs.
Shoulder/ Arm Pain
Sometimes shoulder pain can be a problem from the shoulder itself or can be referred from the neck and/or spine. Cervical and upper thoracic conditions can cause radiating pain throughout fingertips.
Common Shoulder/ Arm Injuries:
The information provided does not necessarily take your individual health situation into account. A Barczyk team member, during your initial assessment, will be able to work with you to determine the treatment plan and techniques that best suits your individual patient needs.
Sports Injuries
If you're an athlete, you understand the physical demand that sports put on your body. Putting your body through these strenuous activities can result in sprains, strains, and painful tears. Seeking chiropractic treatment when you suffer a sport related injury can not only ensure the injury heals correctly, but also help prevent future injuries. If you've experienced a sports injury, seek chiropractic care immediately.
Common Sports Injuries:
The information provided does not necessarily take your individual health situation into account. A Barczyk team member, during your initial assessment, will be able to work with you to determine the treatment plan and techniques that best suits your individual patient needs.
Tennis Elbow
Tennis elbow is a pain on the outside of the upper arm, near the elbow. The pain is caused by damage to the tissue connecting the arm muscle to the elbow. You don't have to play tennis to develop Tennis Elbow. The damage is done by repetitive arm motions that create small tears in the tissue that then lead to inflammation. If left untreated, the pain can become chronic, making it painful to lift and grip items.
Common Symptoms:
The information provided does not necessarily take your individual health situation into account. A Barczyk team member, during your initial assessment, will be able to work with you to determine the treatment plan and techniques that best suits your individual patient needs.
Back Pain
Back Pain
Back pain is one of the main reasons that people visit a chiropractor. At some point in their lives, 8 out of 10 people are affected by it. Lower back pain can be caused by a number of different conditions such as: strained muscles, sprained ligaments, ruptured discs, inflamed joints, sports injuries, accidents, and much more. Temporary solutions, such as heating pads and over-the-counter drugs, will not treat the cause of back pain.
Common Symptoms:Pain in the Back, Muscles and Bones, Hip or LegLeg Numbness or Pins and NeedlesBack Joint Dysfunction or Muscle SpasmsThe information provided does not necessarily take your individual health situation into account. A Barczyk team member, during your initial assessment, will be able to work with you to determine the treatment plan and techniques that best suits your individual patient needs.
Bulging / Herniated Disc
Bulging / Herniated Disc
Bulging disc occurs when a portion of the disc protrudes out of place. Disc herniation occurs when the soft center protrudes through tough outer layer of disc. The result of the bulge can cause a pinched nerve which will lead to pain, numbness, or weakness in the back, arm, or leg. Because the pain or numbness may not occur in the area where you are injured, it is important to visit a chiropractor if you are experiencing these symptoms.
Common Symptoms:Pain in the Arm, Back, Foot or LegMuscle Weakness or Muscle SpasmsLeg Numbness, Pins & Needles, or Uncomfortable TinglingStiff NeckThe information provided does not necessarily take your individual health situation into account. A Barczyk team member, during your initial assessment, will be able to work with you to determine the treatment plan and techniques that best suits your individual patient needs.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpel tunnel is caused by pressure on the median nerve which is located in the wrist.
Common Symptoms:Pain in the Hands, Wrist or ForearmHand Numbness or Pins & NeedlesHand Clumsiness or WeaknessHand Pain at NightThe information provided does not necessarily take your individual health situation into account. A Barczyk team member, during your initial assessment, will be able to work with you to determine the treatment plan and techniques that best suits your individual patient needs.
Very often, head pain regardless of where on the head the pain is located involves nerves that have their origin in the upper cervical spine(neck). Chiropractic treatment of the cervical spine can alleviate migraines, headaches caused by muscle tension caused by stress, and injuries to the neck.
Symptoms of Headaches:Head PressureFatigueSensitivity to LightThrobbing HeadThe information provided does not necessarily take your individual health situation into account. A Barczyk team member, during your initial assessment, will be able to work with you to determine the treatment plan and techniques that best suits your individual patient needs.
Hip/Leg Pain
Hip/Leg Pain
Sometimes hip pain can be a problem from the hip itself or can be referred from the spine. Lumbar Spine conditions can cause radiating pain throughout leg, feet, and toes.
Common Symptoms of Hip Pain:Bone SpursBone FractureTendinitis / Muscle strainArthritisThe information provided does not necessarily take your individual health situation into account. A Barczyk team member, during your initial assessment, will be able to work with you to determine the treatment plan and techniques that best suits your individual patient needs.
Motor Vehicle Injury
Motor Vehicle Injury
The impact of a motor vehicle accident on the body can be catastrophic. These injuries can cause long-term pain to your body if not treated correctly, even if there are no visible signs of injury. While severe injuries can keep you bed ridden, mild injuries can often cause more trouble than expected. It is important to seek immediate treatment if you are injured in a motor vehicle accident to prevent any further damage from occurring.
Common Motor Vehicle Injuries:"Whiplash"Injuries to neck, muscles, ligaments or discsHeadachesInjuries to low back muscles, ligaments or discsThe information provided does not necessarily take your individual health situation into account. A Barczyk team member, during your initial assessment, will be able to work with you to determine the treatment plan and techniques that best suits your individual patient needs.
Neck Pain
Neck Pain
Neck pain is one of the main reasons for people to visit a chiropractor. The pain can be a dull ache or sharp shooting pain and it can be located in the shoulders, head, and face as well as the neck. The cause of neck pain will vary by person but the most common are automobile accidents, contact sports, and poor posture. You can prevent some discomfort by ensuring you have an ergonomic work space and by performing neck stretches as advised by a chiropractor.
Common Symptoms:Stiff NeckRadiating or Sharp PainTrouble with Gripping or Lifting ObjectsGeneral SorenessThe information provided does not necessarily take your individual health situation into account. A Barczyk team member, during your initial assessment, will be able to work with you to determine the treatment plan and techniques that best suits your individual patient needs.
The sciatica nerve runs from the lower back, through the pelvis and down your legs. Pain is usually caused when pressure is being applied to the nerve. This can be caused by a number of issues including misalignment of the spine, hips, or herniated disc.
Common Symptoms:Pain in the Back, Buttocks, Hip or LegsLeg Numbness or Pins & NeedlesLimping or Muscle WeaknessThe information provided does not necessarily take your individual health situation into account. A Barczyk team member, during your initial assessment, will be able to work with you to determine the treatment plan and techniques that best suits your individual patient needs.
Shoulder/ Arm Pain
Shoulder/ Arm Pain
Sometimes shoulder pain can be a problem from the shoulder itself or can be referred from the neck and/or spine. Cervical and upper thoracic conditions can cause radiating pain throughout fingertips.
Common Shoulder/ Arm Injuries:Rotator Cuff TearsTendinitisBursitisBiceps Tendon TearThe information provided does not necessarily take your individual health situation into account. A Barczyk team member, during your initial assessment, will be able to work with you to determine the treatment plan and techniques that best suits your individual patient needs.
Sports Injuries
Sports Injuries
If you're an athlete, you understand the physical demand that sports put on your body. Putting your body through these strenuous activities can result in sprains, strains, and painful tears. Seeking chiropractic treatment when you suffer a sport related injury can not only ensure the injury heals correctly, but also help prevent future injuries. If you've experienced a sports injury, seek chiropractic care immediately.
Common Sports Injuries:Back, Neck & Knee InjuriesTendinitisMuscle StrainsStress FracturesThe information provided does not necessarily take your individual health situation into account. A Barczyk team member, during your initial assessment, will be able to work with you to determine the treatment plan and techniques that best suits your individual patient needs.
Tennis Elbow
Tennis Elbow
Tennis elbow is a pain on the outside of the upper arm, near the elbow. The pain is caused by damage to the tissue connecting the arm muscle to the elbow. You don't have to play tennis to develop Tennis Elbow. The damage is done by repetitive arm motions that create small tears in the tissue that then lead to inflammation. If left untreated, the pain can become chronic, making it painful to lift and grip items.
Common Symptoms:Pain the the Elbow or MuscleSwellingTendernessThe information provided does not necessarily take your individual health situation into account. A Barczyk team member, during your initial assessment, will be able to work with you to determine the treatment plan and techniques that best suits your individual patient needs.
What Our Clients Say
"In 1982, I was hurt in an Armor Personnel Carrier wreck when we hit a tree. I was air guard, and my face and nose were cut up. I had no MRI or CAT scan done by the U.S. Army. I suffered for over 35 years with a bulging disc. The people and staff of BCG are very nice and understanding. Dr. Barczyk and Dr. Regan are very good at what they do. Some days, I can barely walk, and when I leave, I feel refreshed. I can walk better and am very thankful that they accept me as I am. "
"I initially came to the clinic for a back injury. Dr. Regan is so wonderful, both as a doctor and an individual! My back really bothered me before, but now it is much better. I would definitely recommend the Barczyk Chiropractic Group!"
"After a car accident last year, I visited Barczyk because I was experiencing headaches. I have less headaches now, and feel better. They have friendly people, provide great information, and always took the time to explain everything. I would recommend Barczyk. "
"I was referred to Barcyzk several year back, after an injury. My injury was treated and now I come for regular maintenance and wellness. I enjoy the friendly staff, the doctor doesn't keep me here to just make money, and the staff's genuine concern about getting me better and on my way. Keep up the good work!!"
"My physician recommended me to Barczyk after an injury. I could have not chosen a better facility for care. I love the very wonderful staff and doctors. "
"I initially came in due to an injury from an auto accident. What I enjoy most is the staff and atmosphere of the Barczyk Chiropractic Group. They are great people and it is always a pleasure to see them all. I would recommend the Barczyk Chiropractic Group to anyone."
"My chiropractor is concerned and effective."
"I came in because of an injury, and since my treatment began, I feel better and healthier. I have relief. Keep up the good work!"
"After a neck injury I visited Barczyk Chiropractic Group. The staff and chiropractic team was so personable and extremely pleasant. I feel healthier now and the best is yet to come. I would recommend my friends and family to Barczyk!"
"I came to BCG Clinics in 2016 with an injury suffered from a motor vehicle accident. The Barczyk team helped my recovery and I feel healthy. I really enjoyed the nice and amazing staff."
"I was in a car wreck and went to Barczyk Chiropractic about a week later. I had a great experience, I feel terrific, and I would definitely recommend my friends and family. "
"I went to Barczyk in April after an injury resulting from a car accident. I love how friendly the staff is and how they take my concerns into consideration. I love the massage chair too. I feel better. "